Cotugno-Carducci-Giovanni XXIII

Cotugno-Carducci-Giovanni XXIII

Scuola Secondaria Statale di I grado - Ruvo di Puglia BA

25th year from death


25th year from death
(anniversary of death)
20th April 1993-20th April 2018

Dear Bishop Bello,
we love your name “don Tonino” without meeting  you, we sometimes watch you in documentaries, we often listen to your words through recordings and our teachers’ voice at school.
We will  follow your steps towards the poor, the immigrants, the homeless, the addicts, the disables, the unemployed, the humble and those who are most in need of help.
If you were still alive,you would be our hero,and  our idol.
Thanks for having given yourself to us! Forever!
With love, 3D

Dear “ don Tonino”,
we are from Ruvo di Puglia, one of the four towns of the diocese, with Molfetta, Giovinazzo, Terlizzi.
Our parents and grandparents tell us about you and your life events  everyday.
We have many homelies, speeches and books from you, of when you spoke in churches , in the streets and wherever you were.
You talked to common people, teenagers, politicians, authorities regardless of their background or affiliations.
Your lifestyle was rich with values, good actions and feelings because it reflected your thoughts and ideas.
Today again you are our brother, our friend, a true man and that’s why people consider you a “Saint”.
In memory of 25th anniversary of your death, on 20th April, Pope Francesco will come to Molfetta to preside over the holy mass.
Everyone is hoping that you are with us on this day!
We pray for you!
Lots of love from 3G.

