Cotugno-Carducci-Giovanni XXIII

Cotugno-Carducci-Giovanni XXIII

Scuola Secondaria Statale di I grado - Ruvo di Puglia BA

eTwinning 2022/2023 Travelling around Europe in a postcard. Padlet e video

padlet travelling

Classe 1^D

Sintesi del progetto: The present project involves students from Greece and Italy. We want to introduce them, talk about themselves, their school, their interests and their cities. We want them to talk about their customs and traditions, to send postcards and to create a digital book with their creations. Moreover, we want to motivate them to use English and to understand how easy it is to get into contact with people from other countries.

Our padlet:


Fatto con Padlet


prof.ssa Antonia Giulia Tangari
docente referente

